Friday, September 17, 2010

Roth IRA Conversions

This year provides a window of opportunity to convert a portion or all of an IRA to a Roth IRA. Until this year, the Roth IRA was available only to married couples making less than $160,000 or single filers making less than $100,000.

Since the IRA is a tax deferred and in some cases a tax deductible investment, the government requires a tax to be paid to convert an IRA to a Roth IRA. Talk to your tax advisor about what this additional tax may mean for you and your current income tax picture. Depending on the amount you decide to convert, you are adding the converted amount to your taxable income for 2010. There is an option to spread the tax impact over 2011 and 2012, but this is a decision you should reach with the input of your tax advisor.
Now may be a perfect time to convert, as 2010 finds many investors with a slightly lower taxable income than in the past several years. If you are optimistic about the capital markets, then now may be another reason to convert. It is best to convert when the balance of your IRA account is low.

Benefits of a Roth IRA over an Individual Retirement Account (IRA):
  • Income tax –free withdrawals are available after a 5 year holding period.
  • No Required Minimum Distributions such as those required by an IRA once the owner reaches the age of 70.5.
  • At death, spouses can roll the ROTH IRA into their own Roth account and receive income tax free withdrawals. Non-spouse beneficiaries (children) must pull minimum required distributions but the income is income tax free.
  • As long as an investor has “compensation” contributions can be made to a Roth IRA even after the owner reaches age 70.5.
Does a Roth IRA conversion fit my unique financial situation?
  • Ask yourself the following questions:
  • Do I believe that taxes are going up in the future?
  • Do I believe that the stock market will go up between now and the end of my life?
  • Do I have enough money saved for retirement that I will not need to pull money out of my Roth IRA for at least 5 years?
  • Do I have a goal of leaving some money for my children at my death?
  • Do I have some cash outside of retirement accounts that I could use to pay the tax liability associated with a Roth IRA conversion?
If you answered “yes” to all or most of the above questions, a Roth IRA conversion may be beneficial to your long term plans. The concept is to pay taxes today on a lower account balance, and this balance plus any investment appreciation in the Roth IRA can be withdrawn later in life without a tax consequence.

Conversion costs include:
  • Tax liability.
  • Trading costs to raise the cash and or invest the proceeds once conversion is complete.
  • There may be custodial charges for the conversion.
What if the value of your new Roth IRA shrinks by the time you need to pay income taxes on the IRA conversion? What if you do not have enough money at tax time to pay the tax for the conversion?
  • There is the opportunity to avoid the tax if you reverse the transaction before October 15th of 2011 and return the balance to your prior IRA.
This information is general in nature and is not meant as tax or legal advice. Consult your tax and/or legal advisor regarding your situation.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Global Growth Opportunities: India

We are impressed with the strength and future prospects of India’s economy, and we think its equity market is increasingly attractive. During the 2003-2007 global expansion, India’s robust GDP growth (which hit 9.1% in 2007) was driven by consumer demand arising from a mushrooming middle class. With only about 20% of the GDP dependent on exports, the economy was relatively isolated from the recent recession in the developed countries and enjoyed growth of 5.1% in 2008 and 7.7% in 2009. Now the economy is accelerating again: the World Bank estimates GDP growth will top 8% in 2010, with further gains of 8.7% in 2011 and 8.2% in 2012.

India’s astonishing growth, second only to China’s among the leading emerging economies, will continue to rest on the size, youth, and growing prosperity of its working class. The U.N. forecasts that the working-age population in India is expected to expand to 275 million, a rise of 46%, by the year 2025. An article in The Economist indicates that by 2020 three out of every ten new entrants to the global workforce will be Indian. Conversely, the working-age populations in the U.S and China are expected to grow by a mere 12% and 10%, and the working-age populations in Japan and Europe are expected to decline by -17% and -13%, respectively.

In addition to a burgeoning workforce, household incomes are also rising. In 2009, the IMF estimated India’s per person annual income at $1,031. At less than half the annual per person income in China and the other leading emerging economies, there is plenty of room for income growth without damaging productivity or international competitiveness. Multinational corporations, including those in China, are expected to increase outsourcing to India.

Challenges that may restrict long term growth include high inflation, inadequate physical and social infrastructure, and an ineffective and protectionist government. The Economist lists India’s inflation at 11.3% and their latest poll of economists predicts full-year 2010 inflation to be 11.4%. Recent trends such as moderating food and commodity prices, however, should reduce 2011 inflation to a manageable 5-6%.

A retardant to India’s current growth but a boost to future growth is a dilapidated infrastructure, which the government intends to upgrade with a $1 trillion investment between 2012 and 2016. To successfully implement these upgrades, India needs government reform. Historically, India’s democratic government has favored protectionism, complex labor laws, regulations that differ from industry to industry and has tolerated a lack of coordination among local government agencies. The 2009 election of Mr. Singh and Mrs. Gandhi is promising.

The investment implications of India’s rapid and assured future growth, coming at a time when the economies of the U.S., Europe and Japan are struggling, are manifest. The benchmark Sensex Index of India stocks rocketed 501% during the 2003-2007 expansion, and it soared 130% from the beginning of the global stock market rally on March 9, 2009 through September 12, 2010. In contrast the S&P 500 advanced a modest 67% and 63% during these two periods. We recommend investors focus on the stocks of Indian and other multinational companies which provide goods and/or services to the surging working class or which support infrastructure improvements.